Aspen Capital Management Risk Profile Questionnaire (click to access)

Your responses on this questionnaire will help us properly assess your risk level, which will inform your asset allocation. Please return a completed copy to your advisor at your earliest convenience. We will review your answers together to finalize the appropriate investment portfolio to fit your needs.  

We will not trade in your investment accounts until after we have the risk tolerance discussion and receive your signed Investment Policy Statement (IPS). From a sequencing perspective, please prioritize scheduling the risk tolerance conversation ahead of the financial planning meeting so we can get your assets invested. The financial plan discussion is certainly important, but not as time sensitive as the one about risk and determining the asset allocation for your portfolio.

Aspen Capital Management Retirement Planning Questionnaire (click to access)

Please complete to the best of your ability, spending extra time considering your monthly/yearly living expenses.  The success of your plan is highly dependent upon accurate spending information. It is important that we have accurate details so we can appropriately build out your plan.